Senza Vento

Directors: Christian Betti, Nicola Rossi
Writers: Christian Betti, Nicola Rossi
Runtime: 39 min
Country: Italia / Italy
Production: Christian Betti, Nicola Rossi
Actors: Alberto Onofrietti, Orsetta Borghero
Related Movies: Sottosuolo, Stop Invasion!, Tutte le strade, Tutto il tempo che vogliamo - All the time in the world

Sinossi / Synopsis

Leo è un ragazzo di quasi vent’anni. E’ sportivo ed innamorato dell’atletica, la pratica sin da giovanissimo mostrando sin da subito grande talento. E’ convinto di voler fare da grande il velocista, come il suo idolo, il leggendario Pietro Mennea. I genitori però, e in particolar modo il padre, sono contro questo suo sogno. Leo però è veloce, molto veloce e sotto la guida del suo inseparabile allenatore Mauro continua a vincere ed ostinato va avanti per la sua strada fino a quando un giorno un episodio cambierà per sempre la sua vita.

Leo is a nearly twenty years old boy. He's sporty and loves athletics, he practices it since he was very young and shows a great talent right from the start. He would like to become a great sprinter like his idol, the legendary Pietro Mennea. However, his parents, especially his father, are against this dream but Leo is fast, really fast. Under the guidance of his coach Mauro he keeps on winning and he never gives up until something will change his life forever.

Leo è innamorato dell’atletica e il suo sogno è di diventare un velocista, ma il padre è contro questo suo sogno. Leo però non molla e continua a vincere.
Leo is in love with athletics and his dream is to become a sprinter, but his father is against this dream of his. Leo however does not give up and continues to win.

Biografia del regista / Director Biography

Christian Betti was born in Beaumont (France) on July 8, 1998. Raised in a family of motor racing drivers, in 2013 he opened a YouTube channel together with his brother Gabriel dedicated to the editing of motivational sports videos. Always maturing in France in Economic and Social Sciences, in October 2016 he began his career at the European Institute of Design in Milan by attending the Video Design course. At the same time he also began his career as a freelance videomaker. In May 2018 he wrote the first subject of Senza Vento, a medium-length film that a year later he would produce and direct.

Christian Betti was born in Beaumont (France) on July 8, 1998. Raised in a family of motor racing drivers, in 2013 he opened a YouTube channel together with his brother Gabriel dedicated to the editing of motivational sports videos. Always maturing in France in Economic and Social Sciences, in October 2016 he began his career at the European Institute of Design in Milan by attending the Video Design course. At the same time he also began his career as a freelance videomaker. In May 2018 he wrote the first subject of Senza Vento, a medium-length film that a year later he would produce and direct.

Biografia del regista / Director Biography

Nicola Rossi è un filmmaker italiano. Dopo aver frequentato il Liceo Scientifico nella sua città natale Forlì, decide di trasferirsi a Milano per laurearsi in Video Design presso l’Istituto Europeo di Design, in questi anni si avvicina sempre di più al cinema e in particolare alla fotografia. Dopo la laurea frequenta un laboratorio di Color Correction presso il Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Milano per approfondire le tecniche di post-produzione delle immagini digitali.

Nicola Rossi is an italian filmmaker. After attending the Liceo Scientifico in his hometown Forlì, he decides to move to Milan in order to get a degree in Videodesign at IED (European Design Institute). During these years he becomes interested in Cinema and particularly in Photography. After the degree he attends a Color Correction course at the Cinematography Sperimental Centre in Milan, where he learns the techniques of post-production (digital) images.